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Professional, Competitive, Qualified, Registered and Accountable


All our Depreciation Reports are taylor made and all we do is Depreciation Reports

Why Do One

Depreciation Reports should be done to comply with Strata Acts and Strata Regulations, but more than that, it should be a tool that gives direction to better value. Investors, Buyers and Realtors need to know that your Strata has a plan for Maintenance, Capital Costs and Improved Finances. They allow you to be aware of costs ahead of time and to have the time to soften the blow. Being aware of costs ahead of time allows for price comparison and negotiation which equals Savings. Savings equal better value for the Capital Item and Property. This means that Present and Future owners share the costs in a good plan.


We have inspected Building systems since 1985 and Depreciation Reports are ALL WE DO!  We are Professional, Experienced, Competitive, Qualified, Registered and Accountable!  Secondary work is NOT on our agenda.  Our Depreciation Reports and Plans are tailor made for each Strata and its unique situation.  Our Depreciation Reports are also ACTIVE, this means that they are continually monitored and updated as new information arrives or climates change.


Our Building Technicians are registered with the Association Of Science Technologists And Technicians Of British Columbia and with Worksafe British Columbia. Our Team Leader, Mr. Russell Cass, is a Registered Reserve Fund Analyst with the Association Of Science Technologists And Technicians Of British Columbia. We have experience in Depreciation, Systems and Financial Plans. We have Errors and Ommisions and General Liability Insurance.

Meet the Team

Russell Cass
CTech, ASTTBC, Registered Reserve Fund Analyst
Eric Ponsford
Eric PonsfordField
Building Analyst

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Hours Of Operation

Monday – Friday: 9:30am to 7:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am to 4:00pm * 
Sunday: Closed *
Holidays: Closed *

* All telephonic messages left over the weekend/ holidays will be returned on Monday.
* Emails will be checked and replied to periodically over the weekend/ holidays.)